

Sabotage (1996)

Sacred Cargo (1995)

Saigon Commandos (1988)

Sakura Killers (1987)

Samurai Cop (1989)

Sanctuary (1998)

S.A.S.: San Salvador (1983) 

Savage Harbor (1987)

Savage Instinct (1991)

Savage Justice (1988) 

Savage Streets (1984)

Savate (1995)

Scanner Cop (1994)

Scanner Cop II (1995) 

Sharpshooter (2007)

The Shepherd: Border Patrol (2008) 

She-Wolves Of The Wasteland (1988) 

Shogun's Ninja (1980)

Shootfighter (1992)

Shootfighter II (1995)

Short Fuse (1986)

Shotgun (1989)

Showdown (1993)-Billy Blanks

Showdown (1993) 

Showdown In Little Tokyo (1991) 

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